from 01.01.2019 until now
Omsk, Omsk, Russian Federation
Introduction: The dynamics of growth and the extent of the prevalence of adminis-trative offences related to disobedience of a lawful order or demand of a police officer; high importance of legal protection of the management order; The extent of the harm caused in terms of increased likelihood of violence against police officers; insufficient administrativelegal means for effective counteraction of such acts determine the need to justify a system of legal responsibility for committing offences in the form of disobedience to a lawful demand of a police officer, enabling the preventive function of administrative and legal regulation to be carried out, and the preventive function of criminal law. Materials and Methods: The materials of the study were a summary of statistical data on the activities of federal courts of general jurisdiction and justices of the peace for 2018-2023 years: № 1-AP «Report on the work of courts of general jurisdiction on the consideration of cases of administrative offences» and 10-a «Report on the number of convicted persons under all the elements of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation». The methodological basis of the study was: dialectical method of cognition as a fundamental method of scientific analysis of social and legal reality, general scientific methods of research, methods of mathematical statistics. The main applied research method is to compare the dynamics of administrative offences and crime dynamics with the corresponding administrative precession. The results of the study: The application of administrative jurisdiction provided for in article 264.1 of the Criminal Code has made it possible to reduce the number of administrative offences covered by article 12.8 of the Code and article 12.26 of the Code. Ignoring the application of administrative jurisdiction provided for in article 212.1 of the Criminal Code has led to an increase in administrative offences under article 20.2 of the Code and article 20.2, paragraph 8, of the Code. The results of the study confirmed the validity of the proposed method of investigation, and also showed the effectiveness of administrative prelitigation for prevention of administrative offences. Conclusions and conclusions. To achieve a comprehensive system of legal liability for disobedience of lawful orders or demands by police officers, it is proposed that responsibility be established for repeat offences administrative offence, The State party should also ensure that the Act does not constitute a criminal offence of this kind. The degree of public danger that such a crime could be classified as a moderate offence.
police officer; disobedience; obstruction; administrative offence; repeated; repeated; administrative prejudice
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