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Abstract (English):
Introduction: the article discusses features of crimes related to theft of cast parts of railway transport, defining aspects of the formation of a specific forensic investigation method, in particular its part - forensic characterization of crimes, including significant structural elements, such as the subject of criminal encroachment, the modus operandi and situation of the theft, the identity of the offender, united by specially correlated links, serving as one of conditions for the formation of the actual investigative leads in criminal cases. Materials and Methods: the regulatory framework of the study is formed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, criminal and criminal procedure legislation, local regulations governing organization of rail freight and passenger traffic, implementation of planned and other types of car repairs, and formulating basic provisions of traffic safety and functioning of the life cycle of railway rolling stock. The methodological basis of the study was the general dialectical method of scientific cognition, which is universal in nature, as well as methods of logical deduction, induction, cognitive methods and techniques of observation, comparison, analysis, synthesis and description. Results: allowed to clarify certain provisions related to forensic characterization, to reveal the content and practical importance of structural elements to push investigative leads and streamline the investigation process of theft of railway transport parts, as well as to make probabilistic connections between them. Summary and Conclusion: the analyzed interrelations between individual elements of forensic features revealed the interdependence of features of elements of forensic characterization of theft of railway transport parts.

railway transport, cast parts, forensic characterization, technique, identity of the offender, situation, subject of criminal encroachment
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