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Abstract (English):
Introduction. This article presents the victimological characteristics of thefts of goods registered on the largest section of the Trans-Siberian railway, including the East-Siberian, Trans-Baikal, Far Eastern railways. The authors analyze the structure of the victims of these crimes, the level of victimization on the example of the dynamic series in 2010-2016. In addition, the main victim factors contributing to victimization of victims of theft are described. Victimological characteristics are the basis for development of measures of victimological prevention of cargo theft from the rolling stock of railway transport. They have different character and are classified as protective and informational from the point of view of the content of preventive work Materials and Methods: the materials of the study were domestic and international legislation regulating issues in the field of rail transportation, publications of researchers, statistical information of the Main Informational and Analytical center of the MIA of Russia, materials of investigative and judicial practice on this topic. In the context of the dialectical method and in connection with it general scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, deduction, logical, formal legal, etc.) were used in the study. Results: the article analyzes some features of victimization in cases of theft of goods from the rolling stock of the railway transport. The main victimogenic factors determining victimization in the specified type of crimes are considered. A number of measures of victimological prevention aimed at the prevention of this category of crimes are proposed, which will allow to carry out preventive work against both potential and actual victims of theft of goods from the rolling stock in the early stages of victimization. Summary and Conclusion: the authors justify the position to study the role of victim behavior in the mechanism of theft of goods from the rolling stock of railway transport in the development of preventive measures.

victim, victimization, victimogenic factors, cargo theft, railway transport, prevention of victimization
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