Introduction. The article is devoted to the analysis of the essence and significance of the institute of presidency in the Russian Federation. The history of the formation of the institute of presidency in the Russian Federation, elements of the constitutional and legal status of the President of the Russian Federation are revealed. Materials and Methods. The normative basis of the study was formed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal legislation, as well as scientific research in the field of formation and peculiarities of popular representation in Russia. The methodological basis of the study is the general dialectical method of scientific knowledge, as well as the methods of deduction, analysis, synthesis and other tools, through which it became possible to study and analyses the consolidation, formation and development of the institution of presidency in Russia. The Results of the Study. The article analyses the peculiarities of the institute of presidency in Russia, formulates the trends of evolution of the development of this body in the domestic statehood. Findings and Conclusions. The specifics of scientific approaches regarding the legal status and place of the President of the Russian Federation in the system of separation of powers have been studied. The author concludes that the independent realization by the President of the Russian Federation of powers, along with legislative, executive and judicial, is an objective reality of modern Russian statehood.
President of the Russian Federation, public authorities, elections, the institution of the presidency, the system of separation of powers, Russian statehood
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