Russian Federation
the police, fulfilling the tasks assigned to them to protect public order and ensure public safety, are authorized to apply measures of state coercion (suppression). The established practice of implementing the powers assigned to the police to apply preventive measures does not create problems in their implementation. The reason for this can be considered an informal conditional “agreement” between law enforcement and judicial authorities, it is also possible to believe that on these occasions there have been no precedents for appealing against the actions of officials, but on the legal side, the awareness of some police actions in terms of their use is not consistent with the rules of law or completely unregulated as such “breaks” the integrity of the legislative system and calls into question its fundamental principles, has a negative impact on the formation of scientific doctrine and law enforcement practice. One of the basic principles of the activities of law enforcement agencies in general, and internal affairs bodies in particular, is legality; therefore, any actions must fully comply with the requirements of the law. The lack of legal regulation of elements of the activities of authorized bodies and their officials greatly complicates the assessment of the latter’s compliance with the law, and the existence of rules that require “thinking through” the procedure for their application provokes ambiguity in interpretation and can also be assessed differently when performing supervisory functions over the activities of law enforcement agencies. In the article, the authors make an attempt to systematize preventive measures aimed at finding evidence in cases of administrative offenses, as well as items prohibited for circulation and storage in special premises and institutions for the detention of certain categories of citizens.
preventive measures, administrative activities of the police, inspection activities, administrative offense, personal search, search of things, personal search
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