Обложка журнала
Title (English)
Language of publication
Russian, English
2312-3184 (print)
Periodicity (English)

It is published 4 times a year.

Russian science citation index:
Yes 9908
Russian higher attestation Commission:

Article formatting requirements

1) Requirements to the article size

Minimum volume – seven pages of a printed text, formalized  according to the requirements below. 

Maximum volume – thirteen pages of a printed text, formalized  according to the requirements below. 

2) Printed text formatting requirements

File format: doc

Font: Times New Roman (Cyr)

Font size: 14 size of type

Line spacing: 1

Margins: all in 2 cm

Indentation: first line (indentation 1, 25 mm).

The paragraphs should be formatted neither with a tab nor a space key. Set the alignment to "Fit".  Footnotes (if any) - end, end-to-end numbering.

Photos, pictures are placed in the text of the article in the grouping mode and  represented as separate files on an electronic medium in jpg format (without compression) in black and white or color image, with a resolution of at least 300 dpi (dots per inch). Do not provide graphs, charts, tables, diagrams and other graphic illustrations as a scanned image (as an image can not be edited). Presence of captions, names of tables is required.

References to sources are given according to the text in square brackets with the source number in the list of references used and the pages referenced by the author (for example, [2. P. 46]). The sources are arranged in the order of quoting them in the text of the article. In the list of used literature, only "literary" sources are given, that is, the author's articles, books, articles from journals.

Normative legal acts, archival documents, "non-authorial" Internet sources, statistical collections are indicated in footnotes and are not duplicated in the List of used literature. If the information on regulations is fully contained in the text (that is, the full title of the law / code, the date of adoption, number - Federal Law "On Countering Extremist Activity" of July 25, 2002 No. 114-FL), the footnote is not given.

The list of used literature is formatted as "Bibliographic references" in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5-2008 (with necessary indication of the publishing organization / publisher and full number of pages).

It is highly recommended to use the online resource snoska.info, with which you can quickly draw up the main types of sources.

The article should be necessarily signed by the author (co-authors) as follows: "The material is verified, the figures, facts, quotes are verified with the original source. The material does not contain information of limited distribution. "

The pieces of work published in other editions are not accepted for consideration.

The originality of the text should be at least 65%.

Proof room processing and laying-out is carried out by the Editorial and Publishing Department of the ESI of the MIA of Russia.

3) Required requisites:

The article should contain an index of universal decimal classification (UDC).

At the beginning of the article after its title, the author should indicate: his / her surname, name, patronymic, place of work, position, academic status, academic degree, contact phone numbers, e-mail address (if there is no personal e-mail, the e-mail address of the place of work (department, educational organization, etc.), according to which the author can be contacted). This information will be published.

The abstract (110-150 words) can reproduce in a reduced form such components of the study as its subject, problem, purpose, methods, scope of results, etc., without duplicating the information of the title of the article. The choice of components is determined by their originality and significance for understanding the essence of the research presented in the article. In the abstract the keywords of the article are actively used. The abstract should not repeat the text of the article itself, the information of its title; include little informative language; contain information that is not given in the main text.

Keywords (5-15 words, characterizing the problems of the article) given through the semicolon.

List of used literature (at least 10 sources), formalized in a single format, established by the system of the Russian index of scientific citation on the basis of GOST R 7.0.5-2008.

The title, information about the author, an abstract, key words, a list of used literature in a scientific article are given in Russian and English.

The Editorial Board of the scientific-practical journal "Vestnik of the East Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia" adheres to the internationally accepted principles of publication ethics, reflected, in particular, in the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and also takes into account the valuable experience of authoritative international journals and publishing houses.

In order to avoid unfair practices in publication activities (plagiarism, presentation of false information, etc.), in order to ensure the high quality of scientific publications, public recognition of scientific results obtained by the author, each member of the editorial board, author, reviewer, publisher as well as institutions involved in the publishing process must comply with ethical standards, norms and rules and take all reasonable measures to prevent their violation. Observance of the rules of ethics of scientific publications by all participants in this process contributes to ensuring the rights of authors to intellectual property, improving the quality of the publication and excluding the possibility of misuse of author's materials for the benefit of individuals.

Key terms used in this regulation:


Ethics of scientific publications is a system of norms of professional conduct in the relationship between authors, reviewers, editors, publishers and readers during the creation, distribution and use of scientific publications.

The author is a person or group of persons (collective of authors) involved in the creation of the publication of the results of scientific research.

Editor-in-chief is a person who makes the final decisions regarding the production and publication of the journal.

Publisher - a legal entity that publishes a scientific publication.

Scientific article - a completed and published author's work.

Plagiarism is the deliberate appropriation of the authorship of another person's work of science or art, another person's ideas or inventions. Plagiarism can be a violation of copyright law and patent law and as such can lead to legal liability.

Editor - a representative of a scientific journal or publisher who prepares material for publication and communicates with the authors and readers of scientific publications.

Editorial Board -  an advisory body of a group of authoritative individuals who assist the editor-in-chief in the selection, preparation and evaluation of works for publication.

Reviewer - an expert acting on behalf of a scholarly journal or publisher who conducts a scientific review of an author's work in order to determine whether it can be published.

Manuscript - an author's work submitted to the editorial board for publication but not published.  

Reader - any person who has read the published material.

1. Principles of professional ethics in the activity of a publisher

In its activities, the publisher is responsible for the publication of author's works, which entails the need to follow the following fundamental principles and procedures:

1.1 To promote the ethical duties of the editorial board, editorial-publishing group, editorial board, reviewers and authors in accordance with these requirements.

1.2 Support the journal editorial board in addressing ethical concerns about published material and help liaise with other journals and/or publishers where this facilitates the duties of the editors.

1.3 Ensure the confidentiality of publications received from authors and any information until publication.

1.4 Be aware that the activities of the magazine are not a commercial project and are not for profit.

1.5 To be always ready to publish corrections, clarifications, rebuttals and apologies when necessary.

1.6 Provide the magazine's editorial staff with the opportunity to exclude publications that contain plagiarised or inaccurate information.

1.7 The Publisher (Editor), has the right to reject a manuscript or require the author to revise it, if it is designed with violations of the Rules adopted in this journal and agreed with the Publisher.

1.8. The article, if accepted for publication, is placed in the public domain; the copyright is retained by the authors.

1.9 To post information about financial support for research, if the author provides such information to the article.

1.10. If content, grammar, stylistic and other errors are detected, the editorial board undertakes to take all measures to eliminate them.

1.11. Coordinate with the author the editorial proofreading which is introduced to the article.

1.12. Not to delay the issue of the magazine.

Ethical principles to be followed by the author of a scientific publication

    Authors (or team of authors) when submitting materials to the scientific journal "Vestnik of East Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia" are aware that they are initially responsible for the novelty and reliability of the results of scientific research, which implies compliance with the following principles:

2.1 The authors of the article must provide reliable results of the research conducted. Knowingly erroneous or falsified statements are unacceptable.

2.2 Authors must guarantee that the research results presented in the submitted manuscript are completely original. Borrowed fragments or assertions should be presented with obligatory indication of the author and the original source. Excessive borrowing as well as plagiarism in any form, including unquoted, paraphrased or misappropriated research results, is unethical and unacceptable. Borrowing without citation will be considered plagiarism by the editorial board.

2.3 Authors should cite only true facts and information in the manuscript; cite enough information to verify and repeat experiments by other researchers; do not use information obtained privately without open written permission; avoid fabrication and falsification of data.

2.4 Avoid duplication of publications (the author should indicate in the cover letter that the work is published for the first time). If some elements of the manuscript have been previously published, the author must refer to the earlier work and indicate the differences of the new work from the previous one.

2.5 Authors should not submit to the journal a manuscript that has been sent to another journal and is under review, or an article already published in another journal.

2.6 The contributions of all individuals who have in one way or another influenced the course of the research should be acknowledged, in particular, the article should provide references to the works that were important in the conduct of the research.

2.7 Authors should comply with ethical standards when criticising or commenting on third-party research.

Ethical principles in the reviewer's work

    A reviewer carries out scientific expertise of author's materials and, as a result, his/her actions must be unbiased and must comply with the following principles:

3.1 A manuscript received for reviewing must be treated as a confidential document, which must not be passed for review or discussion to third parties not authorised by the editorial board.

3.2 Reviewers must be aware that the manuscripts sent to them are the intellectual property of the authors and belong to non-public information. Breach of confidentiality is possible only in case of reviewer's claim about inaccuracy or falsification of materials stated in the article;

3.3 The reviewer must draw the editor-in-chief's attention to substantial or partial similarity of the assessed manuscript with any other work as well as to the fact that there are no references to provisions, conclusions or arguments previously published in other works of this or other authors.

3.4 The reviewer should note relevant published works that are not cited (in the paper).

3.5 The reviewer is obliged to provide an objective and reasoned assessment of the research results presented and clearly substantiated recommendations. Personal criticism of the author is unacceptable.

3.6 The reviewer's comments and wishes must be objective and principled, aimed at improving the scientific level of the manuscript.

3.7. A reviewer must make decisions based on specific facts and provide evidence for his/her decision.

3.8 Reviewers are not allowed to make copies of manuscripts for their own needs.

3.9 Reviewers are not allowed to take advantage of knowledge about the content of the work prior to its publication.

3.10. A reviewer who, in his/her opinion, is not qualified enough to evaluate a manuscript or cannot be objective, for example, in case of conflict of interest with the author or organization, should inform the editor about it with a request to exclude him/her from the review process of the given manuscript;

3.11. The review of the article is confidential. The name of the Reviewer is known to the Executive Secretary and the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal. This information is not disclosed.

4. Principles of professional ethics in the work of the editor-in-chief
    The editor-in-chief is responsible for the publication of the author's work, which imposes the need to follow the following fundamental principles:

4.1 When deciding on publication, the chief editor of a scientific journal is guided by the reliability of the presentation of the data and the scientific significance of the work in question.

4.2 The Editor-in-Chief must assess the intellectual content of manuscripts regardless of the race, gender, sexual orientation, religious views, origin, nationality, social status or political preferences of the authors.

4.3 Unpublished data obtained from submitted manuscripts must not be used for personal purposes or passed on to third parties without the written consent of the author. Information or ideas derived from the editing process and related to possible benefits should be kept confidential and not used for personal gain.

4.4 The editor-in-chief should not allow information to be published if there is sufficient reason to believe that it is plagiarised.

4.5 The editor-in-chief undertakes to

- continually improve the magazine;

- Follow the principle of freedom of opinion;

- strive to meet the needs of the readers and authors of the Journal;

- exclude the influence of business or political interests on decisions on the publication of materials;

- Decide on the publication of materials, guided by the following main criteria: relevance of the manuscript to the scope of the Journal; relevance, novelty and scientific significance of the submitted article; clarity of presentation; reliability of the results and completeness of the conclusions. The quality of the research and its relevance are the basis for the decision on publication;

- take all reasonable steps to ensure the high quality of published material and to protect the confidentiality of personal information;

- take into account the recommendations of the reviewers when making the final decision on the publication of the article. The responsibility for the decision to publish lies entirely with the editorial board of the journal;

- justify its decision in case of accepting or rejecting the article;

- give the author of the reviewed material an opportunity to justify his/her research position;

- when changing the composition of the editorial board do not override the decision of the previous board to publish the material.

4.6 Editor-in-Chief should not leave unanswered the claims concerning the reviewed manuscripts or published materials, as well as take all necessary measures to restore the violated rights when a conflict situation is identified.

5. Guidelines for the production of articles

5.1 Adherence to editorial ethics by the editorial board.

5.2 Adherence to guidelines when rejecting articles.

5.3 Maintaining the integrity of academic writing.

5.4 Preventing damage to intellectual and ethical standards in the presence of commercial interests.

5.5. Willingness to publish corrections, clarifications, deviations and apologies when necessary.

5.6 Preventing the publication of plagiarised and fraudulent data.

6. Conflict of interest

Conflict of interest should be avoided by all parties involved in the publication process of a manuscript in order to avoid breaches of publication ethics. A conflict of interest occurs when an author, reviewer, or editorial board member has a financial, academic, or personal relationship that could influence their actions. Such relationships are known as dual commitments, competing interests or competing loyalties.

To avoid conflicts of interest and in accordance with the accepted ethical standards of the journal, each party has the following responsibilities

The Editor is obliged to:

- refer the manuscript to another member of the Editorial Board for review if the original reviewer has a conflict of interest with the author of the submitted manuscript;

- request information from all parties involved in the publication of the manuscript about the possibility of competing interests;

- decide to publish the information in the author's letter about a conflict of scientific and/or financial interest if it is not confidential and could affect the reader's or scientific community's evaluation of the published work;

- ensure that corrections are published if the conflict of interest information is received after the article has been published.

The author is obliged to:

- state the location of his or her work and the source of funding for the research.

The reviewer is obliged to:

- inform the editor-in-chief if there is a conflict of interest (dual commitments, competing interests) and refuse to review the manuscript.


    If a situation arises that involves a breach of publication ethics by an editor, author or reviewer, a mandatory investigation is required. This applies to both published and unpublished material. The editorial board is obliged to demand clarification, without involving persons who may have a conflict of interest with one of the parties.

If material containing significant inaccuracies has been published, it should be promptly corrected in a form accessible to readers and indexing systems.

Procedures for publishing scientific articles

1. The Editorial Board, consisting of Russian and foreign specialists, carries out work on the formation of the issue. The Editorial Board is responsible for the publication of the journal.

2. The journal is peer reviewed. The reviewers are recognised qualified specialists in the relevant fields.

3. The Editorial Board ensures the peer-review of all scientific materials, controls the authors' compliance with the rules of article design.

4. Authors, reviewers, Editorial Board and Editorial Office comply with the rules of publication ethics.

5. The Journal publishes relevant, original, unbiased and substantiated scientific material sent to the press for the first time, free of charge and without payment of royalties. The Journal shall not publish journalistic, popular and educational texts, advertisements and other non-core materials.

6. The Editorial Board has the right to edit the title and text of the scientific material, the list of references.

7. In compiling an issue of the journal, priority will be given to materials that

- Relevant to the thematic profile and headings of the journal;

- contain a clear description of the problem and the author's substantiated version of the solution;

- original in nature (prepared independently by the authors and not previously published)

- have a scientific novelty (based on the results of own scientific research and presenting new scientific knowledge)

- have a scientific style of presentation (general linguistic competence, consistency, coherence, clarity, specific terminology, availability of references, etc.).

8. The article shall be submitted to the Editorial Board electronically (through the personal account on the website of the journal https://vestnikesiirk.ru) and shall be prepared in accordance with the requirements for scientific articles in the journal "Vestnik of the East Siberian institute of the Ministry of internal affairs of the Russian Federation".

9. The received article will be registered. The article will be given an individual registration number.

10. After registration the article will be sent to the editor-in-chief (deputy editor-in-chief) who will appoint the reviewers.

11. After the reviewers have been appointed, the personal data of the author(s) will be deleted from the article. The article will then be sent to the reviewers by e-mail.

12. After reviewing the article, the reviewer sends the completed review to the Editorial Board.

13. The decision to publish the article is made by the Editorial Board depending on the results of the peer review and checking the text of the manuscript for originality using special software.

If the originality of the text is not less than 65%, the article will be rejected.

14. No more than one article by an author, including co-authored articles, may be published in any one issue of the journal.

15. The Editorial Board will inform the author, via the author's personal account on the journal's website, of the decision taken on the article: to publish, to publish after revision. The letter will contain recommendations for revision.

If the decision is to refuse publication, the reasons for this decision are given.

The article finalised by the author on the basis of the referee's recommendations is sent to the same referee for a second review.

16. If the article is recommended for publication, it undergoes editorial preparation - technical and literary editing, proofreading. The final version of the article prepared for publication is agreed with the author(s).

17. The next issue of the journal will contain articles that have been reviewed and recommended for publication by the time of the start of layout (according to the production schedule) and have been agreed with the author(s).

18. The journal is published quarterly.

19. The copyright of all materials published in the journal is owned by the founder and editor.

20. Authors guarantee the Journal the right to reproduce unique materials in their work. In case of unauthorised use by the authors of materials whose rights belong to third parties, the authors of the manuscript are responsible for their reproduction.

The editorial board of the scientific and practical journal “Vestnik of the East Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia” reviews all incoming materials that correspond to the thematic profile and typescript requirements.

All reviewers are recognized experts in their field of study with publications in leading scientific journals.

The Manuscripts of articles prepared for the journal “Vestnik of the East Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia” are sent to the official e-mail of the journal (esiirk_vestnik@mvd.ru). If the documents are correct in form the editors register them and notify the authors. After registration the manuscript is sent to a reviewer. A decision on manuscript publishing is made after reviewing. All articles are double-blind reviewed.

The manuscripts are checked for completeness and compliance with the subject matter, the headings of the journal “Vestnik of the East Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia”, formal and typescript requirements. The professionalism, scientific significance and scientific novelty of the presented works are evaluated.

When reviewing the text of the article is tested for borrowings with the help of plagiarism detecting software.

The manuscripts are sent to the reviewer in paper or electronic form without the name of the author (authors). Reviewing is carried out within three weeks. The expert draws up a review of the manuscript which underlines expediency or inexpediency of publication, positive aspects and disadvantages of the article, points to corrective work needed.

Reviewers from other educational and scientific organizations may be invited to review.

If the article requires revision, the letter is sent to the author with appropriate recommendations to do corrections. In case of refusal to publish the article, the editorial board sends motivated refusal to the author based on the materials of the review.

Reviews are kept in the editorial office of the journal for 5 years, copies of the review can be submitted to the Higher Attestation Commission under the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation upon the corresponding request.

Procedure for withdrawal (retraction) of an article in the journal Vestnik of the East Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

(developed on the basis of the recommendations of the Council on the Ethics of Scientific Publications of the Association of Scientific Editors and Publishers)

1. Retraction of a text from publication (retraction) is a mechanism for correcting published information and alerting readers that the publication contains serious flaws or erroneous data that cannot be trusted. Inaccurate data may be the result of good faith misrepresentation or deliberate wrongdoing. Retraction is also used when duplicate publications, plagiarism, concealment of conflicts of interest that may have influenced the interpretation of data or recommendations for its use are discovered.

2. Reasons for retraction of an article include

  • Detection of plagiarism in the publication;
  • Duplication of an article in several publications;
  • Detection of falsification or fabrication in the paper (e.g. falsification of experimental data);
  • Detection of serious errors in the paper (e.g. misinterpretation of results) that cast doubt on its scientific value;
  • misrepresentation of authorship (including people who were not involved in writing the paper, conducting the study, etc.; not including people who were directly involved in conducting the study and writing the paper)
  • Conflicts of interest are concealed;
  • republication of the article without the author's consent;
  • the article has not been peer-reviewed

3. The retraction procedure can be initiated by the author(s) of the article:

  • the author(s) of the article, who sends a written and reasoned request for retraction of the article to the Editorial Board of the journal;
  • the editor-in-chief of the journal, who prepares a reasoned statement of the reasons for retracting the article;
  • the editor-in-chief of another journal who has sent a request to the editor-in-chief of the Vestnik of the East Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Interior of Russia;
  • other persons who have provided evidence of a breach of scientific ethics by the author(s) of the article (e.g. participants in a conflict of interest).

4 Withdrawal (retraction) of articles in the journal "Vestnik of the East Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Interior of Russia" is carried out as follows

4.1 At the request of the author or any other person who has provided facts about the violation of scientific ethics in the article, the Editorial Board appoints a commission, which conducts a comprehensive study of the case, taking into account all available facts and opportunities to check the ethics of the publication;

4.2 Once the Editorial Board has decided to retract an article, it shall state in the minutes of the meeting the reason for the retraction (in the case of plagiarism - with an indication of the sources of the borrowing) and the date of the retraction. The article and description of the article will remain on the journal's website as part of the relevant issue of the journal, but the electronic version of the text will be marked RETRACTED and the date of retraction, and the same mark will be placed on the article in the table of contents of the issue. 

4.3 The Editorial Board does not mechanically delete articles from the electronic version of the Journal and from the archive on the Journal's website in order to maintain accuracy.

4.4 The Association of Scientific Editors and Publishers Council on the Ethics of Scientific Publications (to enter the information in the unified database of retracted articles) will be provided with the minutes of the meeting, which will include the date of the meeting, the composition of the meeting, the results of the review, the reasoned decision and the completed form:

- name of the author and the title of the article;

- name of the publication from which the article is being withdrawn;

- initiator of the withdrawal of the article; 

- reason for withdrawing the article and the date the decision was taken;

- the link to the page on the publication's website where information about the retraction is given;

-  original data of the article and the DOI (if available);

-  Subject area (social sciences; agriculture, etc.).

4.5 Information about withdrawn texts is transferred to scientific information databases - NEB, CyberLeninck. If a retraction request is received, the information about the article and the full text remains on eLibrary.ru and CyberLeninck, but is supplemented with information about the retraction. Withdrawn articles and their references are excluded from the RSCI and do not participate in the calculation of indicators.

4.6 In case of serious moral damage to the parties involved in the conflict of interest, information about the fact of violation of scientific ethics may be sent to the author's place of work.

4.7 The Editorial Board reserves the right to make its own decision on further cooperation with authors of retracted articles (complete refusal of cooperation, refusal of cooperation for a certain period of time, appointment of additional reviewers of articles in case of repeated cooperation).

Fees for the publication of articles are not paid.

Avdeeva Olga  — Chief Editor
East Siberian institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (Professor of the Department of State and Legal Disciplines)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Irkutsk, Russian Federation
Shalamova Alisa  — Deputy Editor-in-Chief
East Siberian institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (Head of the Department of State and Legal Disciplines)
candidate of jurisprudence sciences
Irkutsk, Russian Federation
Vardanyan Akop  — Member of the Editorial Board
Rostov Law Institute of Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs (Head of the Department of Criminalistics and Operational Investigative Activities)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Academic rank Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation
Rostov, Russian Federation
Gavrilov Boris  — Member of the Editorial Board
Academy of management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (Professor of the Department of Management of Crime Investigation Bodies)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Academic rank Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation
Golovin Alexander  — Member of the Editorial Board
Tula State University (Professor of the Department of Justice and Law Enforcement)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Tula, Russian Federation
Gribunov Oleg  — Member of the Editorial Board
Baikal State University (First Vice-Rector - Vice-Rector for Science)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Irkutsk, Russian Federation
Ishigeev Vladimir  — Member of the Editorial Board
Baikal State University (Professor of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Irkutsk, Russian Federation
Mayorov Vladimir  — Member of the Editorial Board
Tyumenskiy institut povysheniya kvalifikacii sotrudnikov MVD Rossii (kafedra administrativnoy deyatel'nosti organov vnutrennih del, professor kafedry administrativnoy deyatel'nosti organov vnutrennih del)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Russian Federation
Minnikes Ilya  — Member of the Editorial Board
Baikal State University (Head of the Department of Legal Theory and Comparative Law of the Institute of Legal Studies)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Irkutsk, Russian Federation
Minnikes Irina  — Member of the Editorial Board
Baikal State University (Chief Researcher of the Institute of Legal Studies)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Irkutsk, Russian Federation
Nikolyuk Vyacheslav  — Member of the Editorial Board
Russian University of Justice (Center for the Study of Problems of Justice, Chief Scientific Officer)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Academic rank Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation
Nudel Stanislav  — Member of the Editorial Board
The Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation (Head of the Center for Criminal, Criminal Procedure Legislation and Judicial Practice of the Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Moscow, Russian Federation
Parkhomenko Svetlana  — Member of the Editorial Board
Irkutsk Law Institute (branch) of the Federal State State Educational Institution of Higher Education "University of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation" (Head of the Department of Criminal Law Disciplines)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Irkutsk, Russian Federation
Repetskaya Anna  — Member of the Editorial Board
Baikal State University (Head of the Criminological Research Department of the Institute of Legal Studies)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Academic rank Zasluzhennyy yurist Rossiyskoy Federacii
Irkutsk, Russian Federation
Rogova Evgeniya  — Member of the Editorial Board
Irkutsk Law Institute (branch) of the Federal State State Educational Institution of Higher Education "University of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation" (Professor of the Department of Criminal Law Disciplines)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Academic rank
Irkutsk, Russian Federation
Smolkova Iraida  — Member of the Editorial Board
Baikal State University (Professor of the Department of Criminal Procedure and Prosecutorial Supervision of the Law Institute)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Academic rank Zasluzhennyy yurist Rossiyskoy Federacii
Irkutsk, Russian Federation
Stepanenko Diana  — Member of the Editorial Board
Baikal State University (Professor of the Department of Criminology)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Irkutsk, Russian Federation
Tokubaev Zayrulla  — Member of the Editorial Board
Central Kazakhstan Academy (Vice-Rector for Science and Strategic Development)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Karaganda, Kazakhstan
Tsukanov Nikolai  — Member of the Editorial Board
Federal state public educational institution of higher professional education "Siberian law Institute of the Ministry of internal Affairs of the Russian Federation" (Deputy Head (for scientific work))
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
Chuksina Valentina  — Member of the Editorial Board
Baikal State University (Head of the Department of Legal Support of National Security)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Irkutsk, Russian Federation
Shakhmatov Alexandr  — Member of the Editorial Board
Saint Petersburg University of the Ministry Internal Affairs of Russian Federation (Professor of the Department of Operational Investigative Activities in the Department of Internal Affairs)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation
Muhina Renata  — Executive editor
Vostochno-Sibirskiy institut MVD Rossii (nauchno-issledovatel'skiy i redakcionno-izdatel'skiy otdel, starshiy redaktor)
employee from 01.01.2002 until now
Russian Federation
Gavrilin Yuriy Viktorovich  — Member of the Editorial Board
Moscow, Russian Federation

Архивные рубрики

East Siberian institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
East Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
The certificate of registration of the periodical
ПИ № ФС77-64854

Remit of the journal:

Scientific articles devoted to topical issues of activity of law enforcement agencies, forensic investigation, legal regulation of activity of law enforcement agencies.

The general management, policy of formation and issue of the scientific and practical magazine are carried out by the editor-in-chief.

The regulation of requirements to presented materials and conditions of  publication in the journal, and also the solution of other questions of  release of the edition is carried out by the editorial board.

Scientific material (an article, a reference, a peer review, a response and other) has to be original (not published earlier).

Scientific material has to be followed by necessary tools: references to the legislation, acts of official interpretation of law, materials of law enforcement practice, scientific literature, statistical, information-analytical and other data confirming their scientific validity.

Responsibility for reliability of figures, facts, quotes and other information provided in the scientific material is placed upon the author.

Upon receipt of scientific material, an application for publication, a license agreement, and also the response of a research supervisor (for a postgraduate), the editorial board determines their compliance with qualifying standards and organizes reviewing of the scientific material.

For carrying out an expert assessment of the received materials the reviewer from the editorial board depending on the subject matter of his or her scientific research is chosen. Reviewing can also be provided by the staff of educational organizations of the MIA of Russia, as well as other educational organizations of the Russian Federation. The research supervisors of the authors of the articles cannot be reviewers.

Members of the editorial board carry out reviewing of the submitted scientific material.  The reviews are kept in the editorial office for five years.


Sample documents:

Application for publication of a scientific article

Consent to the processing of personal data

Help sample

Contract sample

Article formatting requirements

1) Requirements to the article size

Minimum volume – seven pages of a printed text, formalized  according to the requirements below. 

Maximum volume – thirteen pages of a printed text, formalized  according to the requirements below. 

2) Printed text formatting requirements

File format: doc

Font: Times New Roman (Cyr)

Font size: 14 size of type

Line spacing: 1

Margins: all in 2 cm

Indentation: first line (indentation 1, 25 mm).

The paragraphs should be formatted neither with a tab nor a space key. Set the alignment to "Fit".  Footnotes (if any) - end, end-to-end numbering.

Photos, pictures are placed in the text of the article in the grouping mode and  represented as separate files on an electronic medium in jpg format (without compression) in black and white or color image, with a resolution of at least 300 dpi (dots per inch). Do not provide graphs, charts, tables, diagrams and other graphic illustrations as a scanned image (as an image can not be edited). Presence of captions, names of tables is required.

References to sources are given according to the text in square brackets with the source number in the list of references used and the pages referenced by the author (for example, [2. P. 46]). The sources are arranged in the order of quoting them in the text of the article. In the list of used literature, only "literary" sources are given, that is, the author's articles, books, articles from journals.

Normative legal acts, archival documents, "non-authorial" Internet sources, statistical collections are indicated in footnotes and are not duplicated in the List of used literature. If the information on regulations is fully contained in the text (that is, the full title of the law / code, the date of adoption, number - Federal Law "On Countering Extremist Activity" of July 25, 2002 No. 114-FL), the footnote is not given.

The list of used literature is formatted as "Bibliographic references" in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5-2008 (with necessary indication of the publishing organization / publisher and full number of pages).

It is highly recommended to use the online resource snoska.info, with which you can quickly draw up the main types of sources.

The article should be necessarily signed by the author (co-authors) as follows: "The material is verified, the figures, facts, quotes are verified with the original source. The material does not contain information of limited distribution. "

The pieces of work published in other editions are not accepted for consideration.

The originality of the text should be at least 65%.

Proof room processing and laying-out is carried out by the Editorial and Publishing Department of the ESI of the MIA of Russia.

3) Required requisites:

The article should contain an index of universal decimal classification (UDC).

At the beginning of the article after its title, the author should indicate: his / her surname, name, patronymic, place of work, position, academic status, academic degree, contact phone numbers, e-mail address (if there is no personal e-mail, the e-mail address of the place of work (department, educational organization, etc.), according to which the author can be contacted). This information will be published.

The abstract (110-150 words) can reproduce in a reduced form such components of the study as its subject, problem, purpose, methods, scope of results, etc., without duplicating the information of the title of the article. The choice of components is determined by their originality and significance for understanding the essence of the research presented in the article. In the abstract the keywords of the article are actively used. The abstract should not repeat the text of the article itself, the information of its title; include little informative language; contain information that is not given in the main text.

Keywords (5-15 words, characterizing the problems of the article) given through the semicolon.

List of used literature (at least 10 sources), formalized in a single format, established by the system of the Russian index of scientific citation on the basis of GOST R 7.0.5-2008.

The title, information about the author, an abstract, key words, a list of used literature in a scientific article are given in Russian and English.

The Editorial Board of the scientific-practical journal "Vestnik of the East Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia" adheres to the internationally accepted principles of publication ethics, reflected, in particular, in the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and also takes into account the valuable experience of authoritative international journals and publishing houses.

In order to avoid unfair practices in publication activities (plagiarism, presentation of false information, etc.), in order to ensure the high quality of scientific publications, public recognition of scientific results obtained by the author, each member of the editorial board, author, reviewer, publisher as well as institutions involved in the publishing process must comply with ethical standards, norms and rules and take all reasonable measures to prevent their violation. Observance of the rules of ethics of scientific publications by all participants in this process contributes to ensuring the rights of authors to intellectual property, improving the quality of the publication and excluding the possibility of misuse of author's materials for the benefit of individuals.

Key terms used in this regulation:


Ethics of scientific publications is a system of norms of professional conduct in the relationship between authors, reviewers, editors, publishers and readers during the creation, distribution and use of scientific publications.

The author is a person or group of persons (collective of authors) involved in the creation of the publication of the results of scientific research.

Editor-in-chief is a person who makes the final decisions regarding the production and publication of the journal.

Publisher - a legal entity that publishes a scientific publication.

Scientific article - a completed and published author's work.

Plagiarism is the deliberate appropriation of the authorship of another person's work of science or art, another person's ideas or inventions. Plagiarism can be a violation of copyright law and patent law and as such can lead to legal liability.

Editor - a representative of a scientific journal or publisher who prepares material for publication and communicates with the authors and readers of scientific publications.

Editorial Board -  an advisory body of a group of authoritative individuals who assist the editor-in-chief in the selection, preparation and evaluation of works for publication.

Reviewer - an expert acting on behalf of a scholarly journal or publisher who conducts a scientific review of an author's work in order to determine whether it can be published.

Manuscript - an author's work submitted to the editorial board for publication but not published.  

Reader - any person who has read the published material.

1. Principles of professional ethics in the activity of a publisher

In its activities, the publisher is responsible for the publication of author's works, which entails the need to follow the following fundamental principles and procedures:

1.1 To promote the ethical duties of the editorial board, editorial-publishing group, editorial board, reviewers and authors in accordance with these requirements.

1.2 Support the journal editorial board in addressing ethical concerns about published material and help liaise with other journals and/or publishers where this facilitates the duties of the editors.

1.3 Ensure the confidentiality of publications received from authors and any information until publication.

1.4 Be aware that the activities of the magazine are not a commercial project and are not for profit.

1.5 To be always ready to publish corrections, clarifications, rebuttals and apologies when necessary.

1.6 Provide the magazine's editorial staff with the opportunity to exclude publications that contain plagiarised or inaccurate information.

1.7 The Publisher (Editor), has the right to reject a manuscript or require the author to revise it, if it is designed with violations of the Rules adopted in this journal and agreed with the Publisher.

1.8. The article, if accepted for publication, is placed in the public domain; the copyright is retained by the authors.

1.9 To post information about financial support for research, if the author provides such information to the article.

1.10. If content, grammar, stylistic and other errors are detected, the editorial board undertakes to take all measures to eliminate them.

1.11. Coordinate with the author the editorial proofreading which is introduced to the article.

1.12. Not to delay the issue of the magazine.

Ethical principles to be followed by the author of a scientific publication

    Authors (or team of authors) when submitting materials to the scientific journal "Vestnik of East Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia" are aware that they are initially responsible for the novelty and reliability of the results of scientific research, which implies compliance with the following principles:

2.1 The authors of the article must provide reliable results of the research conducted. Knowingly erroneous or falsified statements are unacceptable.

2.2 Authors must guarantee that the research results presented in the submitted manuscript are completely original. Borrowed fragments or assertions should be presented with obligatory indication of the author and the original source. Excessive borrowing as well as plagiarism in any form, including unquoted, paraphrased or misappropriated research results, is unethical and unacceptable. Borrowing without citation will be considered plagiarism by the editorial board.

2.3 Authors should cite only true facts and information in the manuscript; cite enough information to verify and repeat experiments by other researchers; do not use information obtained privately without open written permission; avoid fabrication and falsification of data.

2.4 Avoid duplication of publications (the author should indicate in the cover letter that the work is published for the first time). If some elements of the manuscript have been previously published, the author must refer to the earlier work and indicate the differences of the new work from the previous one.

2.5 Authors should not submit to the journal a manuscript that has been sent to another journal and is under review, or an article already published in another journal.

2.6 The contributions of all individuals who have in one way or another influenced the course of the research should be acknowledged, in particular, the article should provide references to the works that were important in the conduct of the research.

2.7 Authors should comply with ethical standards when criticising or commenting on third-party research.

Ethical principles in the reviewer's work

    A reviewer carries out scientific expertise of author's materials and, as a result, his/her actions must be unbiased and must comply with the following principles:

3.1 A manuscript received for reviewing must be treated as a confidential document, which must not be passed for review or discussion to third parties not authorised by the editorial board.

3.2 Reviewers must be aware that the manuscripts sent to them are the intellectual property of the authors and belong to non-public information. Breach of confidentiality is possible only in case of reviewer's claim about inaccuracy or falsification of materials stated in the article;

3.3 The reviewer must draw the editor-in-chief's attention to substantial or partial similarity of the assessed manuscript with any other work as well as to the fact that there are no references to provisions, conclusions or arguments previously published in other works of this or other authors.

3.4 The reviewer should note relevant published works that are not cited (in the paper).

3.5 The reviewer is obliged to provide an objective and reasoned assessment of the research results presented and clearly substantiated recommendations. Personal criticism of the author is unacceptable.

3.6 The reviewer's comments and wishes must be objective and principled, aimed at improving the scientific level of the manuscript.

3.7. A reviewer must make decisions based on specific facts and provide evidence for his/her decision.

3.8 Reviewers are not allowed to make copies of manuscripts for their own needs.

3.9 Reviewers are not allowed to take advantage of knowledge about the content of the work prior to its publication.

3.10. A reviewer who, in his/her opinion, is not qualified enough to evaluate a manuscript or cannot be objective, for example, in case of conflict of interest with the author or organization, should inform the editor about it with a request to exclude him/her from the review process of the given manuscript;

3.11. The review of the article is confidential. The name of the Reviewer is known to the Executive Secretary and the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal. This information is not disclosed.

4. Principles of professional ethics in the work of the editor-in-chief
    The editor-in-chief is responsible for the publication of the author's work, which imposes the need to follow the following fundamental principles:

4.1 When deciding on publication, the chief editor of a scientific journal is guided by the reliability of the presentation of the data and the scientific significance of the work in question.

4.2 The Editor-in-Chief must assess the intellectual content of manuscripts regardless of the race, gender, sexual orientation, religious views, origin, nationality, social status or political preferences of the authors.

4.3 Unpublished data obtained from submitted manuscripts must not be used for personal purposes or passed on to third parties without the written consent of the author. Information or ideas derived from the editing process and related to possible benefits should be kept confidential and not used for personal gain.

4.4 The editor-in-chief should not allow information to be published if there is sufficient reason to believe that it is plagiarised.

4.5 The editor-in-chief undertakes to

- continually improve the magazine;

- Follow the principle of freedom of opinion;

- strive to meet the needs of the readers and authors of the Journal;

- exclude the influence of business or political interests on decisions on the publication of materials;

- Decide on the publication of materials, guided by the following main criteria: relevance of the manuscript to the scope of the Journal; relevance, novelty and scientific significance of the submitted article; clarity of presentation; reliability of the results and completeness of the conclusions. The quality of the research and its relevance are the basis for the decision on publication;

- take all reasonable steps to ensure the high quality of published material and to protect the confidentiality of personal information;

- take into account the recommendations of the reviewers when making the final decision on the publication of the article. The responsibility for the decision to publish lies entirely with the editorial board of the journal;

- justify its decision in case of accepting or rejecting the article;

- give the author of the reviewed material an opportunity to justify his/her research position;

- when changing the composition of the editorial board do not override the decision of the previous board to publish the material.

4.6 Editor-in-Chief should not leave unanswered the claims concerning the reviewed manuscripts or published materials, as well as take all necessary measures to restore the violated rights when a conflict situation is identified.

5. Guidelines for the production of articles

5.1 Adherence to editorial ethics by the editorial board.

5.2 Adherence to guidelines when rejecting articles.

5.3 Maintaining the integrity of academic writing.

5.4 Preventing damage to intellectual and ethical standards in the presence of commercial interests.

5.5. Willingness to publish corrections, clarifications, deviations and apologies when necessary.

5.6 Preventing the publication of plagiarised and fraudulent data.

6. Conflict of interest

Conflict of interest should be avoided by all parties involved in the publication process of a manuscript in order to avoid breaches of publication ethics. A conflict of interest occurs when an author, reviewer, or editorial board member has a financial, academic, or personal relationship that could influence their actions. Such relationships are known as dual commitments, competing interests or competing loyalties.

To avoid conflicts of interest and in accordance with the accepted ethical standards of the journal, each party has the following responsibilities

The Editor is obliged to:

- refer the manuscript to another member of the Editorial Board for review if the original reviewer has a conflict of interest with the author of the submitted manuscript;

- request information from all parties involved in the publication of the manuscript about the possibility of competing interests;

- decide to publish the information in the author's letter about a conflict of scientific and/or financial interest if it is not confidential and could affect the reader's or scientific community's evaluation of the published work;

- ensure that corrections are published if the conflict of interest information is received after the article has been published.

The author is obliged to:

- state the location of his or her work and the source of funding for the research.

The reviewer is obliged to:

- inform the editor-in-chief if there is a conflict of interest (dual commitments, competing interests) and refuse to review the manuscript.


    If a situation arises that involves a breach of publication ethics by an editor, author or reviewer, a mandatory investigation is required. This applies to both published and unpublished material. The editorial board is obliged to demand clarification, without involving persons who may have a conflict of interest with one of the parties.

If material containing significant inaccuracies has been published, it should be promptly corrected in a form accessible to readers and indexing systems.

Procedures for publishing scientific articles

1. The Editorial Board, consisting of Russian and foreign specialists, carries out work on the formation of the issue. The Editorial Board is responsible for the publication of the journal.

2. The journal is peer reviewed. The reviewers are recognised qualified specialists in the relevant fields.

3. The Editorial Board ensures the peer-review of all scientific materials, controls the authors' compliance with the rules of article design.

4. Authors, reviewers, Editorial Board and Editorial Office comply with the rules of publication ethics.

5. The Journal publishes relevant, original, unbiased and substantiated scientific material sent to the press for the first time, free of charge and without payment of royalties. The Journal shall not publish journalistic, popular and educational texts, advertisements and other non-core materials.

6. The Editorial Board has the right to edit the title and text of the scientific material, the list of references.

7. In compiling an issue of the journal, priority will be given to materials that

- Relevant to the thematic profile and headings of the journal;

- contain a clear description of the problem and the author's substantiated version of the solution;

- original in nature (prepared independently by the authors and not previously published)

- have a scientific novelty (based on the results of own scientific research and presenting new scientific knowledge)

- have a scientific style of presentation (general linguistic competence, consistency, coherence, clarity, specific terminology, availability of references, etc.).

8. The article shall be submitted to the Editorial Board electronically (through the personal account on the website of the journal https://vestnikesiirk.ru) and shall be prepared in accordance with the requirements for scientific articles in the journal "Vestnik of the East Siberian institute of the Ministry of internal affairs of the Russian Federation".

9. The received article will be registered. The article will be given an individual registration number.

10. After registration the article will be sent to the editor-in-chief (deputy editor-in-chief) who will appoint the reviewers.

11. After the reviewers have been appointed, the personal data of the author(s) will be deleted from the article. The article will then be sent to the reviewers by e-mail.

12. After reviewing the article, the reviewer sends the completed review to the Editorial Board.

13. The decision to publish the article is made by the Editorial Board depending on the results of the peer review and checking the text of the manuscript for originality using special software.

If the originality of the text is not less than 65%, the article will be rejected.

14. No more than one article by an author, including co-authored articles, may be published in any one issue of the journal.

15. The Editorial Board will inform the author, via the author's personal account on the journal's website, of the decision taken on the article: to publish, to publish after revision. The letter will contain recommendations for revision.

If the decision is to refuse publication, the reasons for this decision are given.

The article finalised by the author on the basis of the referee's recommendations is sent to the same referee for a second review.

16. If the article is recommended for publication, it undergoes editorial preparation - technical and literary editing, proofreading. The final version of the article prepared for publication is agreed with the author(s).

17. The next issue of the journal will contain articles that have been reviewed and recommended for publication by the time of the start of layout (according to the production schedule) and have been agreed with the author(s).

18. The journal is published quarterly.

19. The copyright of all materials published in the journal is owned by the founder and editor.

20. Authors guarantee the Journal the right to reproduce unique materials in their work. In case of unauthorised use by the authors of materials whose rights belong to third parties, the authors of the manuscript are responsible for their reproduction.

The journal is financed by the magazine's founder, the East Siberian Institute of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs

The editorial board of the scientific and practical journal “Vestnik of the East Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia” reviews all incoming materials that correspond to the thematic profile and typescript requirements.

All reviewers are recognized experts in their field of study with publications in leading scientific journals.

The Manuscripts of articles prepared for the journal “Vestnik of the East Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia” are sent to the official e-mail of the journal (esiirk_vestnik@mvd.ru). If the documents are correct in form the editors register them and notify the authors. After registration the manuscript is sent to a reviewer. A decision on manuscript publishing is made after reviewing. All articles are double-blind reviewed.

The manuscripts are checked for completeness and compliance with the subject matter, the headings of the journal “Vestnik of the East Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia”, formal and typescript requirements. The professionalism, scientific significance and scientific novelty of the presented works are evaluated.

When reviewing the text of the article is tested for borrowings with the help of plagiarism detecting software.

The manuscripts are sent to the reviewer in paper or electronic form without the name of the author (authors). Reviewing is carried out within three weeks. The expert draws up a review of the manuscript which underlines expediency or inexpediency of publication, positive aspects and disadvantages of the article, points to corrective work needed.

Reviewers from other educational and scientific organizations may be invited to review.

If the article requires revision, the letter is sent to the author with appropriate recommendations to do corrections. In case of refusal to publish the article, the editorial board sends motivated refusal to the author based on the materials of the review.

Reviews are kept in the editorial office of the journal for 5 years, copies of the review can be submitted to the Higher Attestation Commission under the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation upon the corresponding request.

Procedure for withdrawal (retraction) of an article in the journal Vestnik of the East Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

(developed on the basis of the recommendations of the Council on the Ethics of Scientific Publications of the Association of Scientific Editors and Publishers)

1. Retraction of a text from publication (retraction) is a mechanism for correcting published information and alerting readers that the publication contains serious flaws or erroneous data that cannot be trusted. Inaccurate data may be the result of good faith misrepresentation or deliberate wrongdoing. Retraction is also used when duplicate publications, plagiarism, concealment of conflicts of interest that may have influenced the interpretation of data or recommendations for its use are discovered.

2. Reasons for retraction of an article include

  • Detection of plagiarism in the publication;
  • Duplication of an article in several publications;
  • Detection of falsification or fabrication in the paper (e.g. falsification of experimental data);
  • Detection of serious errors in the paper (e.g. misinterpretation of results) that cast doubt on its scientific value;
  • misrepresentation of authorship (including people who were not involved in writing the paper, conducting the study, etc.; not including people who were directly involved in conducting the study and writing the paper)
  • Conflicts of interest are concealed;
  • republication of the article without the author's consent;
  • the article has not been peer-reviewed

3. The retraction procedure can be initiated by the author(s) of the article:

  • the author(s) of the article, who sends a written and reasoned request for retraction of the article to the Editorial Board of the journal;
  • the editor-in-chief of the journal, who prepares a reasoned statement of the reasons for retracting the article;
  • the editor-in-chief of another journal who has sent a request to the editor-in-chief of the Vestnik of the East Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Interior of Russia;
  • other persons who have provided evidence of a breach of scientific ethics by the author(s) of the article (e.g. participants in a conflict of interest).

4 Withdrawal (retraction) of articles in the journal "Vestnik of the East Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Interior of Russia" is carried out as follows

4.1 At the request of the author or any other person who has provided facts about the violation of scientific ethics in the article, the Editorial Board appoints a commission, which conducts a comprehensive study of the case, taking into account all available facts and opportunities to check the ethics of the publication;

4.2 Once the Editorial Board has decided to retract an article, it shall state in the minutes of the meeting the reason for the retraction (in the case of plagiarism - with an indication of the sources of the borrowing) and the date of the retraction. The article and description of the article will remain on the journal's website as part of the relevant issue of the journal, but the electronic version of the text will be marked RETRACTED and the date of retraction, and the same mark will be placed on the article in the table of contents of the issue. 

4.3 The Editorial Board does not mechanically delete articles from the electronic version of the Journal and from the archive on the Journal's website in order to maintain accuracy.

4.4 The Association of Scientific Editors and Publishers Council on the Ethics of Scientific Publications (to enter the information in the unified database of retracted articles) will be provided with the minutes of the meeting, which will include the date of the meeting, the composition of the meeting, the results of the review, the reasoned decision and the completed form:

- name of the author and the title of the article;

- name of the publication from which the article is being withdrawn;

- initiator of the withdrawal of the article; 

- reason for withdrawing the article and the date the decision was taken;

- the link to the page on the publication's website where information about the retraction is given;

-  original data of the article and the DOI (if available);

-  Subject area (social sciences; agriculture, etc.).

4.5 Information about withdrawn texts is transferred to scientific information databases - NEB, CyberLeninck. If a retraction request is received, the information about the article and the full text remains on eLibrary.ru and CyberLeninck, but is supplemented with information about the retraction. Withdrawn articles and their references are excluded from the RSCI and do not participate in the calculation of indicators.

4.6 In case of serious moral damage to the parties involved in the conflict of interest, information about the fact of violation of scientific ethics may be sent to the author's place of work.

4.7 The Editorial Board reserves the right to make its own decision on further cooperation with authors of retracted articles (complete refusal of cooperation, refusal of cooperation for a certain period of time, appointment of additional reviewers of articles in case of repeated cooperation).

Fees for the publication of articles are not paid.

It is published 4 times a year.

                                                            Agrafonov M Yu
Agrafonov M Yu Vostochno-Sibirskiy institut MVD Rossii

                                                            Agrafonov M Yu
Agrafonov M Yu Vostochno-Sibirskiy institut MVD Rossii

                                                            Agrafonov M Yu
Agrafonov M Yu Vostochno-Sibirskiy institut MVD Rossii

                        Agrafonov M Y
Agrafonov M Y East-Siberian Institute of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia

                        Agraphonov Mikhail Yurjevich
Agraphonov Mikhail Yurjevich East-Siberian Institute of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia

                        Agraphonov Mikhail Yurjevich
Agraphonov Mikhail Yurjevich East-Siberian Institute of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia

                        Azovkina A
Azovkina A FGKOU VPO «Vostochno-Sibirskiy institut MVD Rossii»

                        Aivazova O V
Aivazova O V Rostov Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

                        Aivazova Olga Vladislavovna
Aivazova Olga Vladislavovna Rostov Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

                        Alexandrov A N
Alexandrov A N I.D. Putilin Belgorod Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

                        Alexandrov A N
Alexandrov A N I.D. Putilin Belgorod Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

                        Amelchakov O I
Amelchakov O I Lomonosov Moscow State University

                        Aminev F G
Aminev F G Bashkir State University

                        Andreev A A
Andreev A A Mikhailovskaya Military Artillery Academy of the Russian Ministry of Defense

                                                            Anisimov A G
Anisimov A G Vostochno-Sibirskiy institut MVD Rossii

                        Anisimov A
Anisimov A GU MVD Rossii po Irkutskoy oblasti

                        Anopko Olesya Aleksandrovna
Anopko Olesya Aleksandrovna Academy of Management of the Interior Ministry of Russia

                                                            Antonec A S
Antonec A S Baykal'skoiy gosudarstvennyy universitet ekonomiki i prava

                        Antonov V A
Antonov V A East-Siberian Institute of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia

                        Antonov V A
Antonov V A East-Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Avdeeva Olga  — Chief Editor
East Siberian institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (Professor of the Department of State and Legal Disciplines)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences

Irkutsk, Russian Federation
Shalamova Alisa  — Deputy Editor-in-Chief
East Siberian institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (Head of the Department of State and Legal Disciplines)
candidate of jurisprudence sciences

Irkutsk, Russian Federation
Vardanyan Akop  — Member of the Editorial Board
Rostov Law Institute of Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs (Head of the Department of Criminalistics and Operational Investigative Activities)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Academic rank Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation
Rostov, Russian Federation
Gavrilov Boris  — Member of the Editorial Board
Academy of management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (Professor of the Department of Management of Crime Investigation Bodies)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Academic rank Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation
Golovin Alexander  — Member of the Editorial Board
Tula State University (Professor of the Department of Justice and Law Enforcement)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences

Tula, Russian Federation
Gribunov Oleg  — Member of the Editorial Board
Baikal State University (First Vice-Rector - Vice-Rector for Science)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences

Irkutsk, Russian Federation
Ishigeev Vladimir  — Member of the Editorial Board
Baikal State University (Professor of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences

Irkutsk, Russian Federation
Mayorov Vladimir  — Member of the Editorial Board
Tyumenskiy institut povysheniya kvalifikacii sotrudnikov MVD Rossii (kafedra administrativnoy deyatel'nosti organov vnutrennih del, professor kafedry administrativnoy deyatel'nosti organov vnutrennih del)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences

Russian Federation
Minnikes Ilya  — Member of the Editorial Board
Baikal State University (Head of the Department of Legal Theory and Comparative Law of the Institute of Legal Studies)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences

Irkutsk, Russian Federation
Minnikes Irina  — Member of the Editorial Board
Baikal State University (Chief Researcher of the Institute of Legal Studies)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences

Irkutsk, Russian Federation
Nikolyuk Vyacheslav  — Member of the Editorial Board
Russian University of Justice (Center for the Study of Problems of Justice, Chief Scientific Officer)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Academic rank Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation
Nudel Stanislav  — Member of the Editorial Board
The Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation (Head of the Center for Criminal, Criminal Procedure Legislation and Judicial Practice of the Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences

Moscow, Russian Federation
Parkhomenko Svetlana  — Member of the Editorial Board
Irkutsk Law Institute (branch) of the Federal State State Educational Institution of Higher Education "University of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation" (Head of the Department of Criminal Law Disciplines)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences

Irkutsk, Russian Federation
Repetskaya Anna  — Member of the Editorial Board
Baikal State University (Head of the Criminological Research Department of the Institute of Legal Studies)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Academic rank Zasluzhennyy yurist Rossiyskoy Federacii
Irkutsk, Russian Federation
Rogova Evgeniya  — Member of the Editorial Board
Irkutsk Law Institute (branch) of the Federal State State Educational Institution of Higher Education "University of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation" (Professor of the Department of Criminal Law Disciplines)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Academic rank
Irkutsk, Russian Federation
Smolkova Iraida  — Member of the Editorial Board
Baikal State University (Professor of the Department of Criminal Procedure and Prosecutorial Supervision of the Law Institute)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Academic rank Zasluzhennyy yurist Rossiyskoy Federacii
Irkutsk, Russian Federation
Stepanenko Diana  — Member of the Editorial Board
Baikal State University (Professor of the Department of Criminology)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences

Irkutsk, Russian Federation
Tokubaev Zayrulla  — Member of the Editorial Board
Central Kazakhstan Academy (Vice-Rector for Science and Strategic Development)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences

Karaganda, Kazakhstan
Tsukanov Nikolai  — Member of the Editorial Board
Federal state public educational institution of higher professional education "Siberian law Institute of the Ministry of internal Affairs of the Russian Federation" (Deputy Head (for scientific work))
doctor of jurisprudence sciences

Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
Chuksina Valentina  — Member of the Editorial Board
Baikal State University (Head of the Department of Legal Support of National Security)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences

Irkutsk, Russian Federation
Shakhmatov Alexandr  — Member of the Editorial Board
Saint Petersburg University of the Ministry Internal Affairs of Russian Federation (Professor of the Department of Operational Investigative Activities in the Department of Internal Affairs)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences

Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation
Muhina Renata  — Executive editor
Vostochno-Sibirskiy institut MVD Rossii (nauchno-issledovatel'skiy i redakcionno-izdatel'skiy otdel, starshiy redaktor)
employee from 01.01.2002 until now

Russian Federation
Gavrilin Yuriy Viktorovich  — Member of the Editorial Board

Moscow, Russian Federation


The scientific-practical journal «Vestnik of the East Siberian Institute of the MIA of Russia» is a comprehensive science guide on law enforcement activities in Russia and foreign countries. It is focused on two categories of readers and authors: subjects of law enforcement activities (practitioners, theorists, instructors, trainees) and representatives of civil society.

Chief Editor
Avdeeva Olga
Deputy Editor-in-Chief
Shalamova Alisa
Executive editor
Muhina Renata
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