Irkutsk, Russian Federation
Introduction. The article deals with the issue of the origin, formation, and development of international legislation governing the institution of the extradition of individuals who have committed criminal offenses. The positions of scholars on the initial point of appearance of legislation establishing the extradition of criminals are analyzed. The position on the appearance of extraditions of criminals in ancient times BC due to the lack of international law at that time is criticized. There is also an analysis of theories that served as the basis for the establishment of extraditing criminals and a description of various legal acts that show the evolution of this legal institution. Analyzing the historical path of the formation and development of these legal institutions is important for understanding their evolution. The institution of extradite criminals is no exception. Without understanding the origins of the institution, it will be difficult to understand the current role of this institution in international relations between states related to cooperation on crime, including the extradiction of criminals. Materials and Methods. The article analyses various foreign legislation, which, in one form or another, presents extradition for persons who have committed crimes. Legal literature on the problem is studied both in the pre-revolutionary and modern periods. As research methods, comparative-legal, historical-formal and general scientific methods are used, such as analysis and synthesis. The Results of the Study. On the basis of analysis of various theories on the origin of extradition, the validity of these theories is assessed from the standpoint of international law and conclusions are drawn about the initial stages in the emergence of the institution. Findings and Conclusions. The prerequisites for the institution of the extradition of people who have committed crimes started to form long before international cooperation emerged, but with the emergence of cooperation, it became a tool for implementing criminal policies and combating crime on an international level. Based on the study of different positions on the origin of legal norms for extraditing people who have violated laws, the author concludes that this institution emerged in the late 19th - early 21st centuries with the development of state cooperation in fighting crime.
vydacha lic, sovershivshih prestupleniya, dogovory, soglasheniya, konvencii, politicheskie prestupleniya, pravo na ubezhische
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