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Abstract (English):
Introduction: One of the most important areas of work of law enforcement agencies is property protection and road safety. In Russia at the present stage, normative acts, organisational measures and technical means, operational and investigative forms and methods make it possible to solve the tasks of protecting property from criminal encroachments quite effectively. Nevertheless, the changing international situation and related phenomena suggest a negative tendency to increase the number of crimes against property, as well as against the security of society and the state with the use of vehicles, including those deliberately stolen for these purposes. Given the above, law enforcement agencies of the state need to take additional measures to ensure public safety in this area, including using both positive and negative experience of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. Materials and Methods: the research materials were articles by scientists, legislative norms of the USSR and RSFSR, departmental acts of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, archival documents. The methodological basis of the study is a set of general scientific methods, such as analysis, synthesis, comparison, and special methods: historical-legal, system-structural, comparative-legal. The Results of the Study: allowed us to reveal the process of development of the organization of the activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR to counteract this type of crime in the 1960s and 1980s, to identify factors affecting the effectiveness of this activity, to highlight certain organizational and practical aspects of the activities of the departments of the Department of Internal Affairs of the IO in terms of the implementation of the function of the Soviet state in the field of protecting citizens' property from criminal encroachments on the AMT, to introduce into scientific circulation earlier unpublished archival documents of the period under review. Findings and Conclusions: the analysed materials allowed to reveal the specificity of forms and methods used by law enforcement agencies of the USSR in general and the Irkutsk region in particular, aimed at the prevention, detection and investigation of crimes related to thefts and thefts of AMTs, and also allowed to assess its effectiveness.

motor transport, crime, embezzlement, theft, hijacking, police, criminal investigation, Ministry of Internal Affairs, USSR, Irkutsk Oblast
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