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Abstract (English):
Introduction. In the conditions of modern state-legal construction, it becomes relevant to consider the issues of legal policy of Russia at the present stage. In this regard, it is necessary to refer to the legal categories that are significant in the process of implementation of legal regulation, namely: legal interests, legal objectives and legal values. The present study will reveal the essence of each of the categories, draw a line of their interrelation with each other, and outline their role in the legislation in the field of both domestic and foreign policy of the Russian Federation. Materials and Methods. The research materials were scientific articles of scientists, Soviet and modern periods, as well as the norms of the legislation of the Russian Federation. In the course of the study, a comparative legal method was used based on the analysis of scientific, historical and regulatory legal sources. The Results of the Study made it possible to determine the relationship of the categories of legal interests, legal goals and legal values in theoretical and legal science at the present stage, to establish the role of these categories at the legislative level in the field of legal regulation. Findings and Conclusions. The study revealed the essence of the legal categories of legal interests, legal goals and legal values from the point of view of legal theory. Also, as a result of the work, the relationship of these categories was established, which is confirmed by their use in legislative activity at the present stage of state and legal construction.

legal interests, legal goals, legal values, legal regulation, legal policy, state, lawmaking.
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