from 01.01.2001 until now
from 01.01.2021 until now
from 01.01.2020 until now
UDK 329.15 коммунистические
GRNTI 10.11 История политических и правовых учений
Introduction. The article reveals some issues related to the political and legal doctrine of integral traditionalism, which had a significant impact on the formation and development of extreme right-wing ideologies in Europe in the 20th century. Materials and methods. The authors analyze in detail the key works of R. Guenon and Yu. The evolutions using the approaches of the history of political and legal doctrines: biographical, historical-conceptual and doctrinal. The results of the research allowed us to reveal the process of change and transformation of integral traditionalism – from the classical philosophical trend to the political and legal doctrine. Conclusions and conclusions. Traditionalism as a branch of philosophical thought is not directly related to fascism, as some researchers say. On the contrary, Yu. Evola criticizes Italian fascism for the fact that it lacks theoretical validity from the standpoint of traditionalism, as well as for its totalitarianism.
R. Guenon, Y. Evola, integral traditionalism, Italian fascism, primordial tradition, sacred
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