Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Introduction: The article examines the factors contributing to the commission of corruption crimes in the field of public procurement in the Republic of Belarus. The normative legal acts regulating the procedure for public procurement in the Republic of Belarus are analyzed. Objective and subjective factors contributing to the commission of corruption crimes in the field of public procurement of the Republic of Belarus are highlighted. Materials and Methods: In the process of preparing this scientific article, normative legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, materials of dissertation research in the field of criminology, operational investigative activities, scientific publications of scientists who have studied problematic aspects of committing corruption crimes in the field of public procurement were used. The research methodology is based on a set of general scientific and private scientific methods, in particular, analysis, synthesis, comparison. The Results of the Study: The results of the study allowed us to identify a set of measures that allows an employee of operational units to most effectively identify corruption-related crimes in the field of public procurement. Findings and Conclusions: Based on the results of the research, it has been concluded that, in order to identify the common causes and conditions of corruption crimes, an operational officer should pay attention to the individual circumstances that lead to the formation of a particular personality. This will help them to study, understand, and prevent corruption in the field of public procurement. Only in this way will the staff of operational units be able to effectively identify and prevent corruption-related crimes in the economic sphere, ensuring the stability and sustainability of the system.

detective activities, detective measures, corruption, causes and conditions of corruption crime, public procurement, anti-corruption.
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