Russian Federation
UDK 343.34 Преступления против общественного порядка и безопасности
GRNTI 10.77 Уголовное право
OKSO 40.00.00 Юриспруденция
BBK 67408 Уголовное право
TBK 7581 Уголовное право
BISAC POL037000 Terrorism
The article examined the prerequisites for the adoption of Article 208 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. An analysis of the historical and political situation and its impact on the changes that were made to the wording of Article 208 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation was carried out. Particular attention was paid to the latest changes made to the article, which made it possible to identify some problematic issues of criminal liability for participation in an armed conflict, military actions or other actions involving the use of weapons and military equipment on the territory of a foreign state for purposes contrary to the interests of the Russian Federation
organization of an illegal armed group, organized terrorist activity, terrorism, terrorist crimes
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