Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Introduction: A radical change in social relations, in accordance with the goals and principles of a democratic and law-based state, the renewal of legal norms, and the development of a fundamentally new system of state administration that meets the demands of legality, is impossible without proper organization and implementation of controls and supervision in state administration and society. The Constitution of Russia has been enacted to ensure rule of law, protect the rights, freedom, and legitimate interests of its citizens, and in all areas of society. Control and supervision are the main methods of ensuring legality and order in public administration. At the same time, these are the most significant functions of the government. Without the organization and implementation of these measures, the efficient operation of the state machinery, other government, municipal, and non-governmental structures becomes difficult, as any decision in public administration ultimately requires control over its implementation, or it will be meaningless. Control and oversight are factors that regulate the behavior of government officials and citizens, both in public administration and in society as a whole. This makes the activities of the government transparent to society and to intra-social relations. Materials and Methods: To solve the set of tasks on the formation, development, organization and implementation of control and supervision in the public administration, dialectical, historical, comparative-legal, formal-logical, and sociological methods were used to cognize processes and phenomena. Special legal methods were also used for grammatical consideration of legal norms and interpretation. The scientific article's provisions and conclusions are based on developments in the general theory of the state and law, theory of public administration, administrative and financial law, and other branch legal science. The works of foreign scholars, the Constitution of Russia, current legislation, and other regulatory acts that form the legal basis of control and oversight bodies' activities, public administration agencies, and their officials are also taken into account. The empirical basis of the article is formed by reference to the practices of state and nongovernmental control and surveillance bodies, as well as reference publications and political and legal journals. The Results of the Study consists in defining the definitions, objectives, general characteristics and peculiarities of control and supervision in public administration. It also discusses the essence, expediency, and role of prosecutorial supervision in this area, as well as the subject, object, and subject matter of control and oversight in public administration and general directions, types, and conditions for control and surveillance in this field. The article also addresses the principles, forms, and methods of oversight, as well as problems related to organizational and legal aspects. The author also considers issues related to improving the system of control bodies and their powers, as well as making proposals for improving their work and regulatory framework. Findings and Conclusions: the author makes an unambiguous conclusion that control and supervision, as well as the appeal of citizens for the protection of their rights to the competent structures (to their competent persons) are the main ways of ensuring legality and discipline in public administration.

state, public administration, legality, control, supervision, discipline, regulatory bodies, controlled structures, subject of control, object of control, control and supervision in the field of public administration, public control, citizens' appeals, control powers, control proceedings

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