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Abstract (English):
Introduction. To date, there is a need for both science and practice to carry out a comprehensive large-scale work to create a fundamentally new approach to understanding the institution of punishment as a system of interdependent and interacting elements, which are types of punishment, as well as the appropriateness of their application in each specific case, raising the question of the effectiveness of the system. Materials and Methods. The theoretical basis of the study was scientific works on the problem of the effectiveness of criminal-legal sanctions in the modern criminal policy of the Russian Federation. Formal-legal, descriptive-analytical, system-structural, statistical methods of analysis and explanation of social and legal phenomena were used. The Result of the Study. As a result of the research, the key indicators of the effectiveness of criminal law sanctions in the modern criminal policy of the Russian Federation have been analysed and described. Findings and Conclusions. The authors of this article substantiate the need for a new approach to understanding the institution of punishment as a system of interdependent and interacting elements that determine, in particular, the effectiveness of the system within the framework of the criminal policy of the state. The definition of the concept of the effectiveness of the punishment system is formulated, the most urgent issues of the effectiveness of the punishment system, which require its rapid solution, are identified, and ways to improve the effectiveness of the punishment system are proposed.

criminal law sanctions, effectiveness of criminal law sanctions, punishment system, effectiveness of punishment system, criminal policy, types of punishments, basic punishments, additional punishments.
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