Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Introduction: at the moment, the security of society and the state de-pends on many circumstances. In particular, among scientists and practitioners there is a growing confidence that the designated security can be seriously threatened by the increasing growth of innovative components in the field of artificial intelligence every year. For this reason, the author conducted a crimi-nological study of possible threats to public and state security that occur against the backdrop of the rapid growth of digitalization, as well as the desig-nated technologies. Identification and subsequent detailed study of potential risks in the area under consideration is primarily necessary in order to identify negative consequences, as well as their further minimization. Materials and methods: based on the theoretical premises of this study, its methodological basis was a variety of scientific data and multiple sources of information, which provided an opportunity for the most complete and objec-tive assessment of the potential threats posed by innovative processes in the field of the technologies under consideration. In the process of research, the au-thor generalized the information obtained on the analyzed issues, including those presented in scientific works prepared by domestic and foreign special-ists. In the process of preparing the study, the author used general scientific and special methods of cognition, in particular statistical, system-structural, logical analysis, systems approach, systematization and processing of infor-mation data. The methodology used significantly contributed to the conduct of this criminological study. The results of the study: the issues under consideration showed that de-spite the significant predictability and predictability of a number of processes of digitalization of modern society, it is still extremely difficult to make fore-casts regarding all possible negative consequences after the inclusion of new technologies in the legal field, as well as in all spheres of public life. At the same time, from the moment that systems operating on the basis of artificial intelligence manage to reach the maximum level in their development, they will be able to exceed human capabilities in all areas of their life. The development of these technologies should alert humanity to the emergence of catastrophic risks. The conducted criminological research showed that, for the most part, experts and legal scholars assess the potential threats arising from criminal ac-tivities based on the use of new technologies in a number of main areas (crimi-nal harm, criminal proceeds, reachability, susceptibility) in this regard, in the future in order to counter potential risks and threats must adhere to these vec-tors. Conclusions and conclusions: the author comes to the conclusion that, taking into account the risks of using new technologies, it is important to in-crease and improve the level of security in the process of their use. In order to more effectively prevent the threats under consideration, it is necessary to im-mediately develop and implement the entire anti-criminal resource in the area under study. The introduction of the latest developments in the field of fore-casting analyzed risks should become a priority in the current government pol-icy. It is also important to adopt legal norms to regulate various legal relations in the area under consideration. It is imperative that in the short term a series of scientific studies be conducted to more accurately and completely formulate the necessary requirements aimed at implementing preventive measures in the field of crime using devices based on new digital technologies.

criminological research, public safety, new technologies, processes of digitali-zation of society, the danger of machine learning, threats of digitalization, causes of crime, combating crime, law enforcement agencies, risks caused by robotics, implementation of scientific developments, law enforcement practice, combating digital crime, ensuring digital security

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