Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Introduction: In solving the problems of combating crime, a key place is given to operational-search activities. An integral part of operational-search activities are operational-search measures. In this article, the authors consider some aspects related to ensuring the rights and freedoms of citizens during operational-search measures. Also, based on the conducted research, the authors propose ways to solve problematic issues, in terms of compliance with the constitutional rights of man and citizen, arising during the preparation, conduct of operational-search measures, as well as the use of the results obtained during their implementation. Materials and methods: collection, analysis, and processing of theoretical and empirical material were carried out on the basis of the laws of dialectical materialism using general scientific methods of scientific knowledge and empirical research, such as analysis, generalization, systematization, formalization, description, comparison, methods and rules of formal logic, etc., as well as methods of knowing legal reality. Results of the study: conclusions are formulated aimed at increasing the efficiency of ensuring the rights and freedoms of citizens during operational search activities. Ways to solve problematic issues in terms of respect for human and civil rights arising during operational search activities, as well as the use of the results obtained during their implementation are considered. Findings and conclusions: operational investigative activities, with the receipt of information, directly affect the constitutional rights of a person to the inviolability of private life, which determines the importance of establishing at the legislative level the grounds, conditions, procedure for sanctioning and conducting operational investigative activities.

Operational investigative activities, operational investigative measures, wiretapping, investigative actions, monitoring and recording of negotiations.

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