graduate student from 01.01.2024 until now
Kazan, Kazan, Russian Federation
Introduction: The article discusses the features of qualitative and quantitative indicators of corruption crimes on the territory of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tatarstan. The subject of the study is the state of corruption crimes, as well as patterns of trends in its development. The features of using digital financial and cryptocurrency assets as a subject of bribery are considered. Materials and Methods: General and specific scientific methods of cognition, structural and formal logical methods, general dialectical and other methods were used. The materials of this study are scientific publications of criminologists, data from static reporting on corruption-related crimes, law enforcement and judicial investigative practice, as well as materials from the operational activities of the internal affairs bodies of the Republic of Tatarstan. The Results of the Study: Combating corruption-related crimes, including theft and misuse of budget funds using official position, especially in the areas of implementation of national projects (programs), defense industry, fuel and energy, agro-industrial and transport complexes is one of the priority areas in the operational official activities of internal affairs bodies. Statistical data on bribery confirm the social danger of the studied category of crimes on the territory of the Russian Federation, in particular on the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan. The authors identified and analyzed the main indicators of corruption crimes. The most common crimes of corruption and economic nature have been identified. The materials of law enforcement and judicial investigative practice in criminal cases are considered in accordance with the subject of the study. Findings and Conclusions: Based on the research, the author identified and summarized qualitative and quantitative indicators of corruption crimes that directly affect the economic security of the country. It has been established that the rates of corruption-related crimes are only increasing year after year. The necessary measures are outlined that need to be carried out by the internal affairs bodies in the coming year in order to minimize corruption and corruption-related crimes. In conclusion, the author still predicts a slight increase in corruption crimes, including high-profile ones.
corruption, corruption-related crimes, economy, security, internal affairs bodies, state, dynamics, statistical data, Republic of Tatarstan.
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