Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Introduction: in the context of the breakdown of established international re-lations caused in recent years by the unfriendly, and in some cases hostile attitude of a number of States towards the Russian Federation, the internal affairs bodies are forced to look for new forms, methods and ways of international cooperation in the fight against organized crime. In this regard, it is advisable to analyze the specif-ics of the legal regulation of Interpol's activities in the Russian Federation and re-veal in retrospect and modern aspects the state and specifics of law enforcement cooperation within this international organization. Solving these tasks can help to develop proposals for improving the activities of the National Central Bureau of Interpol of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Materials and Methods: in the course of the study, historical-legal and com-parative-legal methods of cognition were used, which made it possible to study the specifics of the regulatory regulation of these methods of obtaining information in various periods of Russian history. To confirm or refute empirically a number of theoretical provisions of the study, the statistical method and the method of expert assessments were used. The latter method was based on a survey of specialists in the field of operational investigative activities and criminal proceedings. The Results of the Study: the study of the specifics of the legal regulation of Interpol in Russia, as well as the results of the interaction of internal affairs bodies on combating organized crime within the framework of the activities of this body over the past 10 years has revealed a number of legal and organizational problems that require resolution. Findings and Conclusions: the analysis of the identified features allowed us to conclude that global processes have hindered international cooperation through Interpol in some areas, but did not lead to its termination. Nevertheless, to increase the effectiveness of the National Central Bureau of Interpol of the Ministry of Inter-nal Affairs of Russia. It is necessary to implement a whole range of regulatory and organizational measures, a list of which is given in the research materials. Keywords: organized crime, criminal communities, international cooperation, international agreements, operational search activities, ORD, operational search ac-tivities, ORM, internal affairs agencies, ATS, operational units, Interpol, NCB In-terpol of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, international search.

organized crime, criminal communities, international cooperation, international agreements, operational search activities, ORD, operational search activities, ORM, internal affairs agencies, ATS, operational units, Interpol, NCB Interpol of the Min-istry of Internal Affairs of Russia, international search.

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