Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Introduction: the purpose of the study was to study the formation of popular representation in Russia through the prism of the categorical concepts of “law” and “time”. Analysis of the formation of democratic institutions made it possible to establish patterns of development and modern features of the constitutional foundations of the political regime in the Russian Federation. Materials and methods: the normative basis of the study was the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal legislation, as well as scientific research in the field of formation and characteristics of popular representation in Russia. The methodological foundation of the study is the general dialectical method of scientific knowledge, as well as methods of deduction, analysis, synthesis and other tools, by means of which it became possible to study and analyze the consolidation, formation and development of a democratic state. The results of the study: give a new look at the model of Russian democracy, combining traditional, legal and interactive methods of objectifying the people's will. The article makes an attempt, using a value-oriented approach, based on an analysis of the referents of the duration and patterns of development of the triad “individual, society, state,” to establish the essence and features of popular representation in Russia. Conclusions and conclusions: during the analysis of norms and law enforcement practice, factors were identified that have a significant impact on the formation of popular representation in Russia, which can become a significant help not only for the analysis of current forms of democracy, but also for forecasting their development in the future.

constitutional hermeneutics, popular representation, law and time, democratic political regime, expression of the will of the people

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