Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Introduction: The subject of the crime, as one of the main elements of the forensic characterization of illicit trafficking in firearms using information and telecommunication networks, including the Internet, is a little-studied aspect of criminology and represents a fairly promising area for further research. Materials and methods: he basis of this study is the Constitution of the Russian Federation and criminal procedure legislation. The general dialectical approach to scientific cognition was used as a methodological basis, as well as various methods of cognition, such as generalization, description, observation, comparison and analysis. Results of the study: the study made it possible to identify pressing issues in the formation of the doctrine of the subject as the elemental composition of the forensic characteristics of illegal trafficking in firearms using information and telecommunication networks, including the Internet. In addition, the need to improve a number of scientific areas related to this topic has been established. Conclusions and conclusions: within the framework of the study, it was determined that the subject of the type of crime under consideration, as an element of forensic characteristics, has a dual nature, namely, it synthesizes two components, one of which is material, and the second is intangible.

illegal trafficking of firearms, illegal trafficking of firearms on the Internet, subject, in-formation and telecommunications network.

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