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Abstract (English):
The emerging trend of increasing the number of crimes committed with the use of information technologies, the variety of ways to commit them, associated primarily with the possibility of anonymizing the identity of the criminal, indicates the active introduction of information technologies into criminal activities. The detection rate of the crimes in question barely reaches 10%. During the investigation of these crimes, the need inevitably arises to obtain forensically significant information from third-party organizations, the analysis and study of which makes it possible to establish the identity of the criminal. However, law enforcement practice indicates that there are problems with such interaction between liaison officers, primarily with the inability to quickly obtain such information. Unfortunately, it should be noted that despite the high level of information and digitalization of criminal activity, optimization of law enforcement activities in this area has not occurred. The lack of regulatory and technological capabilities to obtain forensically significant information affecting the identification of a criminal promptly, in real time, significantly complicates the detection and investigation of the crimes in question. In this regard, some options proposed in the article for improving interaction with organizations in terms of its automation are timely, theoretically and practically in demand.

information technology, crime investigation, crime detection, interaction, interaction problems
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