Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Introduction: the article considers some varieties of homemade devices made for the purpose of signaling, however, according to the results of forensic-ballistic examina-tions, categorized as firearms. Two variants of the design, which are steadily spreading on the territory of one of the regions of the Russian Federation, are given. Materials and methods: to conduct the study were used general scientific and spe-cial methods of scientific knowledge: systemic, comparative-legal, logical deduction and induction, interpretation, structural analysis and observation. The materials for the study were data from the practical work of internal affairs bodies, collected by the author over a long period of time. Results of the study: the relationship between the combination of such factors as the systematic nature of changes made to the design over a long period of time and the manu-facturer's intended purpose of the design (signaling device), technically refuted in the course of forensic ballistic examinations. Typical designs are described and illustrated: schematic diagrams, photographs of full-scale samples and their separate assemblies. Changes in the design of these devices, encountered at different times, are systematized. The evaluation of the revealed changes from the point of view of convenience, safety and general efficiency of application is given. The cases of withdrawal of these homemade fir-ing devices from civilian circulation are established and analyzed on the example of prac-tice. Findings and conclusions: in the author's opinion, the information given in the arti-cle about two variants of design of serial homemade signal devices recognized as firearms will be useful both for expert practitioners specializing in the production of forensic bal-listic examinations, and for scientists-criminalists. Related circumstances of their manu-facture and illicit trafficking also might be useful to law enforcers specializing in the veri-fication of reports, investigation of crimes and consideration of criminal cases related to the illegal use of firearms.

forensic ballistics, forensic diagnostics, signal devices, signal firearms, firearms making, homemade firearms, mounting cartridge

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