Irkutsk, Irkutsk region, Russian Federation
Saratov, Russian Federation
BBK 6772 Прокуратура
Due to the boom in Internet retailing in Russia, numerous Internet resources for selling goods and services - marketplaces - have emerged. Their activities involve many subjects of legal relations, which leads to legal problems in their regulation. The lack of special legal regulation of relationships between sellers and marketplaces and the dispositiveness of civil law create opportunities for broad marketplace autonomy in establishing the rights and obligations of employees, sellers and entrepreneurs. This leads to unjustified penalties when dealing with marketplaces, which can have a negative effect on the development of entrepreneurship in Russia. Therefore, the authors call for the introduction of special legal regulation of marketplace activities, as well as for the implementation and strengthening of prosecutorial supervision over their activities aimed at protecting the interests of small entrepreneurs and employees from abuses by marketplaces. The authors put forward the position that the activities of market places may be subject to various directions of prosecutor's supervision. The authors point out the need for more stringent regulation of market place activities and for strengthening prosecutor's supervision over them in order to protect the legitimate interests of all participants of legal relations and to ensure the development of entrepreneurship in Russia.
prosecutor's supervision, marketplace, violation of employees' rights, protection of entrepreneurs' interests, compliance with legislation, areas of prosecutor's supervision, special knowledge
1. Kozinec N. V. Pravovoe regulirovanie deyatel'nosti marketpleysov: aktual'nye problemy // Zakon i vlast'. 2023. №. 1. S. 29-31.
2. Gabov A. V. Onlayn-uregulirovanie sporov uchastnikov cifrovyh platform (ekosistem) // Vestnik grazhdanskogo processa. 2022. T. 12. №. 1. S. 208-235.
3. Dedkov D. Rol' logistiki v ekosistemah marketpleysov // Mezhdunarodnyy zhurnal gumanitarnyh i estestvennyh nauk. 2022. №. 5-4. S. 93 -98.
4. Otkroveniya sotrudnikov Wildberries o massovyh zabastovka: My poluchaem shtrafy do 50 tysyach rubley dazhe za svoi vyskazyvaniya [Elektronnyy resurs] // Komsomol'skaya pravda. URL: (data obrascheniya 02.04.2023).