Introduction: at present, the effectiveness of the work of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs largely depends on the introduction of advanced domestic and foreign technologies. In this regard, the author monitored foreign law enforcement practices related to the use of neural networks in work aimed at countering criminal attacks in order, if necessary, to further use positive experience in the activities of the department. Materials and methods: various sources and data were used as a methodological basis in the research process, which made it possible to assess the capabilities of neural networks in the fight against crime. Analysis, synthesis, formal-logical, comparative-legal, historical and a number of private scientific methods were used as a methodological basis. The author has convincingly proven that in order to solve the problems of overcoming problems arising in the process of using new technologies, it is extremely important to focus on conducting various scientific research in this area. The results of the study: the study of positive foreign experience indicates that the work of artificial neural networks has already managed to prove its necessity in the process of their application in the law enforcement field. Currently, with the help of artificial neural networks, it is possible to engage in the following types of operations: recognition; predicting future performance; classification of data. In our country, it is also important to engage in the widespread implementation of standards and indicators of technologies working on the basis of neural networks, including monitoring the use of neural networks by Russian law enforcement officers and identifying emerging problems in the regulatory regulation of the area under consideration. Conclusions and conclusions: the potential for the use of technologies based on neural networks by Russian law enforcement officers is very enormous. It is necessary to study foreign positive experience in this area in order to better understand this activity, as well as identify law enforcement areas in which the use of these technologies can cause the most law enforcement problems and show the best effectiveness of use. Russian law enforcement officers should strive to ensure that scientific achievements related to the use of neural networks to combat criminal attacks contribute to obtaining better results in the fight against criminal manifestations of various types.
combating crime, neural networks, foreign experience, causes of crime, law enforcement agencies, law enforcement practice, public safety, robotics, digital technologies, monitoring, scientific developments, law enforcement, fight against crime, information technology, law and order.
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