from 01.01.2023 until now
Russian Federation
Introduction. In forensic science personal qualities of a person, his behavior are the objects of research for many years. This scientific direction is dynamically developing and multifaceted for research, which predetermines the emergence at each stage of the development of forensic science certain tasks that need to be solved. Materials and Methods. The theoretical basis of the research was scientific works on the problems of forensic research of a person. In the course of work were used general scientific and special methods of scientific cognition (analysis, synthesis, comparison, analogy, modeling, system-structural method, etc.). The Result of the Study. As a result of the conducted research: actual, including debatable, issues of formation of the doctrine accumulating the system of knowledge of forensic research of a person were revealed; the necessity of improvement of a number of scientific directions on the considered subject was determined. Findings and Conclusions. The question of the necessity of additional discussion of the topic of including the carriers of criminally significant information (detective, expert, specialist, etc.) as independent objects of study in the context of one doctrine with the participants of the criminal event was initiated. A new scientific task - the creation of conceptual basis of forensic study of the accused is defined. Actual directions of development of issues of forensic research of the person who committed a crime, witnesses, victims are indicated.
forensic research of a person, personal qualities of a person, forensic doctrine, person, who committed crime, witness, victim, accused.
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