The article analyzes the current problems of countering the investigation of crimes committed using information and communication technologies, and ways to overcome it. Based on the available scientific publications and investigative practice, the possible ways of committing cybercrimes and ways of countering the activities of law enforcement agencies in the investigation of criminal cases are investigated. The assessment of methods of overcoming illegal manifestations in the field of high technologies is given. The issues of the need to improve measures to combat crimes committed using information and communication technologies are considered.
information, fraud, methods of counteraction, users, methods of committing fraud, cybercrime, measures to overcome counteraction
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2. How can I protect myself from phishing?: RB.RU [Electronic resource]. URL: / (accessed 03.07.2023).
3. Who are droppers and what does it mean to "apply for a drop": SOVCOMBLOG [Electronic resource]. URL: (accessed 03.07.2023).
4. The Beac predicted an increase in global damage from telephone scammers by 30% over 5 years: TASS [Electronic resource]. URL: (date of appeal 03.07.2023).
5. Telephone fraudsters in 2021 caused damage of 45 billion rubles: RG.RU [Electronic resource]. URL: (accessed 03.07.2023).