from 01.01.2021 until now
Uralsk, Kazakhstan
Introduction: the author considers the peculiarities of the situation, place and time of the commission of crimes related to forgery of documents in the field of medical care of the population as independent elements of criminalistic characteristics. The article analyzes the natural features inherent in the considered type of crimes and influencing the emergence of the relationship between the place and time of their commission, as well as the conditions forming them. Materials and methods: the normative basis of the study is formed by the criminal legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan regarding the regulation of liability for forgery of documents in the field of medical care of the population, as well as the works of forensic scientists who disclose such elements of forensic characteristics as the situation, time and place of crimes. The methodological basis of the research was the general dialectical method of scientific cognition, which has a universal character, as well as methods of logical deduction, induction, generalization and description techniques. Research results: practical recommendations are given on the use of the highlighted features in the investigation of crimes related to falsification of documents in the field of public health care. Conclusions and conclusions: the results of the study made it possible to summarize the most typical situation, time and place of crimes related to forgery of documents in the field of medical care of the population.
Keywords: the time of the crime, medical documents, the place of the crime, the crime scene, forgery, falsification
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