Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Introduction: the article substantiates the need for the development of private forensic methods of investigation of crimes of economic orientation committed by persons performing managerial functions in horticultural non-profit partnerships. This need is predetermined by a set of theoretical, methodological and practical prerequisites, manifested in the presence of sufficient theoretical and methodological tools of modern forensic science, as well as clearly expressed specific features of the mechanism of crimes of this kind, allowing them to differentiate in relation to other types of criminal attacks of economic orientation. Materials and methods: the Empirical base of the study was the results of the empirical analysis of 136 criminal cases on crimes of economic orientation committed by persons performing managerial functions in horticultural non-profit partnerships investigated and considered in various regions of the Russian Federation. The methodological basis of the study was the General dialectical method of knowledge, contributing to the systematic and multi-aspect consideration of the specifics of the Commission of crimes of economic orientation committed by persons performing managerial functions in horticultural non-profit partnerships. In addition, the study used methods of observation, description, generalization, comparison, modeling, analysis and synthesis The results of the study: criminal acts committed by persons performing managerial functions in horticultural non-profit partnerships have a set of features that determine the mechanism of criminal assault, which dialectically determines the specifics of the organization and investigation of these acts, in comparison with other acts of economic or official orientation. Conclusions: in order to improve the efficiency of disclosure and investigation of crimes of economic orientation committed by persons performing managerial functions in horticultural non-profit partnerships, it is necessary to develop a set of methodological and forensic recommendations, the theoretical and practical value of which is due to the knowledge of the laws of the mechanism of committing these attacks, which indicates the formation of the current theoretical, methodological and practical prerequisites for the development of the same private forensic methodology.

gardening noncommercial Association, SNT, land, Chairman of the Board, managerial functions, economic crimes
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