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Abstract (English):
Introduction: the author considers a number of topical issues for criminalistics related to the establishment of the causes and conditions that contributed to the commission of crimes. In this regard, the article provides an overview of the known methods used for this purpose and focuses on experimental methods as the most effective for the purpose of establishing the causes and conditions facilitating crime commission. Their advantages according to other methods are reflected, recommendations for practical law enforcement activity are developed. Materials and methods: the study of the problems of using the methods of establishing the causes and conditions of crimes in the practice of crime investigation was carried out on the materials of investigative and judicial practice, the analysis which was carried out on the basis of study of data contained in the materials of criminal cases. In addition, the relevant forensic examinations were investigated, where it was required to establish a causal relationship in the event of a crime. The author used the statistical method, the system of formal logical methods, the method of system analysis, as well as methods of observation, comparison, analogy and abstraction. Results: allowed to clarify certain theoretical provisions, methods of establishing the causes and conditions of crimes, in accordance with which to expand their practical capabilities for the purpose of establishing criminalistic cause-and-effect relationships that accompany the commission of the crime, which should contribute to improving the efficiency of investigative activities. Summary and conclusions: in accordance with justification of individual methods of establishing the causes and conditions of crimes, theoretical and applied conclusions regarding the possibility of their use in the practice of investigating crimes for the purpose of establishing a causal link of the event are made.

causes, consequences of committing crimes, investigation of crimes, cause-and-effect relations, methods of establishing cause-and-effect relationship
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