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Abstract (English):
Introduction: the article is devoted to the analysis of the category of public interest in relation to criminal proceedings. Considering criminal proceedings as a specific type of activity (practice), the author selects components of this activity: interest (and public interest, as prevailing in this sphere), the purpose of activity, objectives of activity, legal means. Materials and methods: materials of a research were the standards of the Russian legislation governing the criminal procedure relations, publications of scientists and also legal positions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation. When writing the article normative and logical, formal legal and other scientific methods were also used. Results: the author opens the maintenance of public interest in criminal proceedings, its essential properties (signs), analyzes the standard basis determining this content, and observes interrelation of public interest with the purpose and problems of criminal proceedings. Summary and Conclusion: studying of public interest in criminal proceedings allows to create a basis for exact formulation of the purpose and problems of criminal proceedings, to bring definiteness in legislative regulation of legal status of imperious participants of criminal proceedings.

criminal procedure, public interest, purpose of criminal procedure, tasks of criminal procedure, criminal prosecution
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