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Abstract (English):
The new noninvasive way of obtaining information on a condition of internals and the pathological changes of a human body which led to death in healthcare institution replacing classical pathoanathomical section in the presence of written refusal of postmortem opening in case of presentation to health workers of claims on low-quality rendering medical services is offered. The way consists in performing postmortem complex ultrasonography which is made out by the express protocol replacing the traditional pathoanathomical conclusion in a part. 92% of the analysed signs at ultrasonic examination of a corpse, found the reliable morphological confirmation at the subsequent opening. Differences between the way offered by the author and classical section of a corpse are statistically not significant (p=0.166134) that allows to recommend complex ultrasonic examination of a corpse for application in practice.

pathoanathomical autopsy of a corpse, declaration of abandonment of postmortem autopsy, complex ultrasonic examination of bodies of a corpse, protocol of complex ultrasonic examination of bodies of a corpse
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