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Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the coverage of the pre-revolutionary period of the history of the development of procedural and procedural rules for checking law enforcement acts. From the position of the historical system approach, it was possible to track the emergence of separate mechanisms in a dynamic way (by the example of the order of appeals) of verification law enforcement activity. The rules for filing complaints and the created jurisdictional structures introduced in the pre-revolutionary period were prerequisites on the basis of which the existing forms of verification of law enforcement acts were formed. The foregoing clearly demonstrates from a historical point of view the general beginnings of judicial and non-judicial forms of verification of law enforcement acts. The obtained data allow us to assert with certainty about the political and social importance of the procedural rules system for checking acts of public authorities, which can be called legal technology for checking law enforcement acts. The available analytical material can be used to further substantiate an integrated approach in the field of characterization of the interdisciplinary institute of technological legal activity.

law-enforcement act, verification of law-enforcement acts, forms of verification of law-enforcement acts, juridical technology, protection form
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