The article describes the condition and structure of Russian organized crime the late stage of the post-Soviet period (1997-2014). The trends in the development of state of the above forms of crime, its change in comparison with previous early stage. Conclusions on changes in criminological characteristics of modern Russian organized crime. In particular, the author comes to the conclusion that the real state registered and organized crime in General is not reflected in criminal statistics, which register only the most obvious crimes; therefore, despite the proliferation of economic organized crime in Russia, its quantitative indicators does not exceed 0,5 % in the General structure of Russian crime. In addition, the registered structure of modern organized crime has evolved significantly over the post-Soviet period: if at an early stage it consisted mainly of ordinary crimes, in the later period the dominant share of crimes economic orientation, which constitute virtually half of all reported crimes, the outstanding criminal associations and organized groups.
Russian organized crime, state and structure of crime, trends in the development of crime
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