Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In article "Order" - chapter of work of E. Canetti "Masse and Macht" is analyzed. Work is undertaken for the purpose of identification of the hidden, latent sources of the order as sociocultural phenomenon and administrative practice, characteristic for disciplinary spaces of power departments. The doctrine about the order E is briefly stated. Canetti, undertakes a deconstruction of "metaphysical" components of this doctrine; tendencies of modern administrative practice both the operational and existential status of the order are defined today

Order, order sting, violence, cruelty, discipline, power, disciplinary space
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1. Ionin L. Paradoksal'nyy son: stat'i i esse. M.: Universitetskaya kniga, 2005. 320 s.

2. Kanetti E. Massa i vlast'. M.: Ad Marginem, 1997. 527 s.

3. Pryanikov P. Stalinskie palachi-rekordsmeny. [Elektronnyy resurs] Internet-izdanie // URL: http: // www.echomsk.spb.ru/blogs/hasid/24398. php (data obrascheniya 10.07.14)

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