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Abstract (English):
Article is devoted to history of the organization of professional militia education in Eastern Siberia. The short characteristic of a criminogenic situation in the Irkutsk province in the mid-twenties of the XX century, a condition of law-enforcement activity in the region is given in 1925. Despite deficiency of professional shots, the Soviet power cultivated class approach in questions of completing of states. As a result the most part of militiamen were semiliterate, professionally aren't trained. It led to an acute personnel issue and need to give to the staff of young Soviet militia professional knowledge at the initial level, to liquidate their illiteracy. Initial training of militiamen of the Irkutsk province was carried out but not up to standard, the systematized work wasn't conducted. For the solution of a task of the organization of high-quality vocational training of militiamen there was a problem of creation of provincial school of younger command structure of militia as constantly operating special educational institution. In article the creation history in reveals. Irkutsk of "School of younger command structure of militia" - the first in Eastern Siberia special educational institution training police officers the predecessor of the East Siberian institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

Soviet militia, history of militia, Workers' and Peasants' militia, professional education, history of professional education, Eastern Siberia, Irkutsk, Irkutsk province, 20th years, revolution, crime, gangsterism, school of a younger komsostav of militia, People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs, training
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