Actual problem now is absence of accurate communication between those or other requirements of fire safety executed on object and level of fire risk for it. To consider many actions is difficult often, and to consider some actions is impossible. As a result settlement level of fire risk doesn't reflect a real picture. In article qualitative communications between requirements of fire safety and level of fire risk are analyzed*.
1. Sedov D.V. Utochnenie metodiki rascheta individual'nogo pozharnogo riska // Pozharnaya bezopasnost'. 2010. № 2.
2. Tehnicheskiy reglament o trebovaniyah pozharnoy bezopasnosti: federal'nyy zakon RF ot 22 iyulya 2008 g. № 123-FZ: prinyat Gos. Dumoy RF 04.07.2008, odobren Sovetom Federacii 11.07.2008.